
Eden Petroleum’s satellite infrared, satellite isotopic, satellite electromagnetic and satellite gravitational mapping and seismic evaluation program does zero harm to the environment.

Eden employs isotope geochemistry to measure surface concentrations of petroleum related isotopes, to infer information about subsurface petroleum geochemistry.

Eden employs gravitational and electromagnetic data to infer information about subsurface petroleum geology.

Eden applies advanced water geochemistry computer modeling technology to support our petroleum inferences concluded from isotope geochemical analysis.

Eden also uses the hydro-geological data captured during this stage of exploration to avoid later contamination of groundwater with connate water (oilfield brine) generated during petroleum extraction and production.

  1. South Sudan
  2. Cameroon
  3. Myanmar (Burma)
  4. Mongolia
  5. Sri Lanka

Eden Peak Oil Clock

Countdown to The
end Of Oil
Number of Barrels of Oil
YTD Consumption
Today's Consumption
Since Arriving